രാജാധിരാജയോഗം – പ്രഭാഷണം

In a captivating and enlightening event, the Amnayapeedham Charitable Trust hosted a prabhashanm (lecture) on the profound topic of “Rajadhiraja Yoga.” The distinguished speaker for this auspicious occasion was the renowned spiritual guide, Sree Acharya Vinay Krishna.
Shankaracharya united India spiritually: Governor

Sree Shankaracharya had spiritually united the nation that lay fragmented politically and culturally, Governor Arif Mohammed Khan has mentioned. He was talking after inaugurating a three-day nationwide seminar on ‘Contributions of Sankara Madoms of Kerala to Sanskrit Literature’ at Thekke Madam Lakshmi Mandapam right here on Wednesday. “Even after 1,000 years, we try to be […]
National Seminar

In order to avaken the public and to create awareness amoung them about the Sree Shankara Madhams of kerala and their contributions to Sanskrit Litrature, Thekke Madham Amnayapeedham Charitable Trust is conducting a three day National Seminar,with the coorperation of Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts,New Delhi, from 23rd to 25th march,2022, at Thekke Madham […]